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Sunday, September 7, 2008

More News On Avril (taken from ABS-CBN News Online)

Review: One rocking night with Avril

By Mark Vincent D. Telan

Usual Wednesday morning. Workday. I really had nothing exciting to look forward to. Not until my officemate told me as soon as I arrived at the office that she has 2 tickets for the Avril Lavigne concert.

And the better part of it was that she asked me to go with her! I had no choice but to say YES. (As if I was forced to!) Who am I to turn down such an unexpected blessing to witness “The Best Damn Tour Concert”?

In an interview before the concert, Avril Lavigne promised a more “upbeat”and “fun” type of performance for the night, as she selected her favorite songs from three of her albums. And with the inclusion of back-up dancers, she’s confident that the Filipino crowd will love her comeback concert, she added.

I wasn’t able to watch Avril’s first concert three years ago, but I must say that as early as the first song, I began to feel that I was in for a fun and energetic treat.

Energy and talent

People screamed and shouted as the lights went out. Excitement filled the air. And as soon as the band started playing, people forgot the fact that the show started 30 minutes late. (The show was supposed to start at 8 pm.)

My night with Avril started as she performed the hit song “Girlfriend” with her back-up dancers. Most of the crowd stood up to catch a better glimpse of the "punk princess" on her first song.

Pinoys love Avril for her radio hits. On Wednesday night, Avril proved that she’s worthy of the punk princess title simply because she knows how to rock in more ways than one.

Aside from watching Avril’s hip and energetic song-and dance numbers, the audience was able to get a glimpse of her talent in playing various musical instruments.

She serenaded the crowd with her song “When You’re Gone” while playing the piano. Then soon after, she rocked Araneta Coliseum as she sang “Runaway” while playing the drums.

More than her talents in performing, it’s her rapport that captivated the audience. There was never a dull moment during the concert, thanks to the interaction between Avril and the fans. People enthusiastically cheered and clapped and shouted. And as expected, people sang with the punk princess, especially when Avril sang “Complicated” and “Sk8r Boi”.

More! More!

People screamed their lungs out when the lights went out. The change in stage backdrop (from a pink skull to a red star) added more thrill to the wailing crowd. Soon, dancers took center stage, with Avril, donned in red top, following them.

Like everyone else, I was ready, waiting for another round of Avril’s performance. Like everyone else, I was at the hype, and in no way will I stop wanting more.

With the previous backdrop and costume change, people expected more from the Canadian punk princess.

But after performing the remix version of “Girlfriend”, she started to thank everyone and said her farewells. Off she went, waving at the audiences who yelled and begged for more.