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.:[[-✖-WEEKLY INTREST-✖-]]:.

Playing with Renesmee (Nessie) and Jacob Black


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

In The Middle Of The Night

Note: This post was originally meant to be post last night...but I was busy midway typing it...and dad used the comp...and AGAIN closed my Mozilla when I told him not to after he was done using...oh well...

Ginger was whining and crying and it was about 2am and I was extremely tired but I couldn't sleep with her making so much noise...then when I came down she had puked out her dinner...earlier yesterday we had taken her to the vet, the doc said she was OK...and that the reason she had vomited the day before was because her dog food wasn't suitable for her, because her previous food was always chicken flavor and the pet shop we went to was out of stock, so they recommended my dad to try this other brand but it's for adult dogs and they still said it was still OK for my puppy to take it cause she's 7moths old and she's almost an adult...Well she was OK for a week then she got really sick this week...And we all know why now. Anyway 1st at 2am she puked out her entire dinner so I did a quick cleaning up cause my puppy's a very clean puppy if her cage is dirty with pee, poop or vomit she'll cry all night till someone cleans it up then she'll sleep. After I clean her cage I went upstairs...she was quiet for awhile then she started crying again...went back down let her out to walk around the house...that's when she started sniffing the same spot and moving around it, took her outside she perched! No at all solid but ABSOLUTELY watery! Like pee..but it's POOP had to clean it up...Again after that put her in and I went up to sleep...she was quiet awhile yet again then started crying...went back down AGAIN! And thought maybe she was hungry gave her a bit of dog treats and then went up to continue sleeping since she lied down in her cage...And she started whining AGAIN! Went down for the last and FINAL time...And I just lied down next to her she lied down looking miserable, which was upsetting and with her nose poke out of the cage, facing directly at me...and she suddenly got up and vomited out all the dog treats I gave her....later in the morning about 8.30am she didn't even make a single sound to tell us she was hungry...she dared not even we fed her bread...changed her food...and now she's OK...praise the lord for that...

Listening to Paramore - For A Pessimist, I'm Pretty Optimistic