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.:[[-✖-WEEKLY INTREST-✖-]]:.

Playing with Renesmee (Nessie) and Jacob Black


Saturday, May 17, 2008

Maple...BAH! (chopped off head)

Well yah..maple AGAIN...lolx...and now I feel like slapping my sister because she deleted some VERY important links and she's gone on a lil trip with Ryan and family and won't be back till Monday and I'm having a headache...feeling damn right annoyed right now...feeling so annoyed...I think it's cause I woke up too early due to my dog howling for attention since it's mating season..and the fact that my mom and sis have been constantly walking in and out of my room looking for a black singlet from MNG which my sis and I both own the same one...which strangely...mine is missing and so is hers! Anyway about maple...the patch is corrupted even when I've successfully downloaded it..every time I try to run it my comp auto sis un-installed maple completely and when she wanted to download the full version of the game again they only have it until ver.54 when the newest is gonna have to wait until ver.56 is out...and my head is killing me and I feel horrible...and I'm so going to be overdose on meds...

GOING TO CHOP MY HEAD OFF (major headache)


Truly said...

Guess what
Maybe you should go for Red! Since it'z highlights, red ish fine, though it will turn brown pretty soon, either you touch it up or live with it.
Vibrant color it is. ^^

Okai if you're having dark hair with that shade of purple highlights, personally i think that purple don't look good.Well thats moi opinion la~ Maroon will look great though ^^