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.:[[-✖-WEEKLY INTREST-✖-]]:.

Playing with Renesmee (Nessie) and Jacob Black


Monday, May 12, 2008


I hate all the pictures that I took back in camp! I look a total mess! And while I was gone why didn't anyone tell me that a flat chest flirt became an extreme sluttish flirt that people vote the highest on my friends list of singles to date! And I have a major headache every time I cough! Well here's another story that I've heard in NS that I just remembered; And oh...just realize this cute I've met from camp she's from Sabah if I'm not mistaken or Sarawak...gosh I'm horrible! But right now I sort of feel like crying! Cause she's gone home for good she has been considered ended the program...haihz...anyway;

Dorm D
It's always either Dorm D or C that sotong's from there keep having visits from the underworld? Well my friend told me one night that one of the Chinese girls heard someone crying so she just looked up and saw someone sitting on the bed crying and another girl rush towards the crying girl, so she didn't bother and went back to sleep; but then that's when things turn out to be a little strange..because the girl who went towards the crying one panicked and woke the previous girl up and asked her to call the jurulatih...and so she did...and when she arrive back with the jurulatih everyone looked freaked out...they said the girl crying wasn't one of the was something else.