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.:[[-✖-WEEKLY INTREST-✖-]]:.

Playing with Renesmee (Nessie) and Jacob Black


Thursday, May 8, 2008

NS Stories

Well first of all I am still throat is seriously soar right now..And Jo got me an MP4!! Gosh I love her~ now I can go back NS listening to some decent music! Well music that I like hahax..
Breaks On Saturday&Sunday
we actually get a period of time to sleep during the weekends from about 1pm-5pm well actually if you skip lunch which is at 12.30pm you can sleep from that time on to around 5pm...around 5+ we need to line up in the dewan waste time listening to them bullshit and keep bullshitting... Actually we weren't suppose to have breaks which is absurd! Because they make us push ourselves to the limit hanging around the dewan with activities and etc etc and we don't get enough rest it's stressful AND insane...but all that change cause a girl from camp tried to kill herself and as a result they force her into postponement and sent her home until next year...what a shame..poor girl.

Not Cicak Man

Well earlier last month while my friend and I were washing out used food trays, there's buckets of soap water and sponges and as I was waiting my turn we look into the bucket and there was a huge lizard dead inside it's tail cut off and a bruise on it's head and this malay girl keep using the sponge to soak up the soap water without looking...we freaked out and quickly find another bucket of soap water...mind you that dead cicak infested bucket of soap water was practically ALMOST empty!

Well here's the thing...Dorm H is the last dorm so it's situated in the very inside of the camp which is pretty much a jungle and the girls keep saying they always see something white floating around the trees at night and it keeps changing places...and then there's the whole SOTONG washing your pads so that pontianak won't come after you..don't bath once the sun sets or the water ghost will appear...don't sing while you shower or you'll marry an old man...never laugh too loud or too crazy or bad things will happen to you...


Just found out recently while I was lining up behind an indian girl from my dorm when I was a brown bug long body crawled out of her hair and crawled back told me it could be a tick from the bed or something that sucks your blood...either way it's grouse and everyone keeps their distance from her...except those that don't know about her hair...

Well that's all for now...I'm very tired still having fever...throat is dry and hurting.



JL said...

About the hantu part. Thats what the "belacan's " always say.. and remember that caused like a 9 consecutive case of hysteria in my school... Anyhow, ghost do exist but you don't need to worry coz jesus blood is over you... MP4? cool... show me show me...
