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.:[[-✖-WEEKLY INTREST-✖-]]:.

Playing with Renesmee (Nessie) and Jacob Black


Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I'm A Pretender

Note: Originally posted on deviantArt by me..and there seem to be a few people that really like it. It's all simple words that may seem too simple to some; but it gets straight to the point on how I feel.

I smile because I have to;
Because I know if I don't people would ask why;
And if I told you why, you might judge me or try to help;
But right now I want neither of that.
I stay away from people who aren't like me because I know I'll be judge;
And I hate it;
And I'm afraid to be cornered and brought down;
So I stay away and put up my defenses.
You ask me if I'm OK, and I tell you that I am;
Even when I'm not;
Because that's what pretenders do, and I'm one of them;
I act strong and fearless;
But I'm weak and pathetic;
I give advice when asked to;
But in truth I say it because most of the time I have to;
I get scared and I pretend that I'm not;
Because I don't want to be look down on;
Because I want to take care of myself.
I'm a pretender;
Strip this mask away from me and my amour, my disguise;
And you will see that's I'm truly pathetic and weak.