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.:[[-✖-WEEKLY INTREST-✖-]]:.

Playing with Renesmee (Nessie) and Jacob Black


Saturday, March 29, 2008

You Don't Want To Be In My Head Right Now...

Feels as if my brain is about to freaking explode...I don't have enough of sleep...just spend RM120 on things that I absolutely need for NS...but trust me...I need more than that to look OK...not like a fabulous drop dead gorgeous bitch with fair skin and smooth pinky cheeks...or soft straight fucking hair...I'm cranky! I'm falling sick! And my AUNTY visit me for crying out loud! And Ginger's whining in her HIGH pitch tone and it's making my migraine bloody worst! And I can finally take my shower! Ate some fattening food today and I don't care if I can't fit into a size 30 jeans when I need a 36! Yes! I have fat thighs and I don't even know why I'm blogging about this! I guess I'm just hasn't been easy! And hey! I may be a moody bitch! And act like I'm fine with the world hating me but I'm still HUMAN! I don't think I get jealous of people often or envy even if I do...I don't hold it for long...Trust me there's a lot of things going in my head...and this isn't even half of it...and I don't even care if people read it or not...I'm just letting it out because there absolutely isn't a point keeping them all in right now...

-watched 27 Dresses today with Ryan and sis...LOVED IT.-