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Playing with Renesmee (Nessie) and Jacob Black


Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Well pretty much useless updates anyhow...pretty much been gaming...been leveling in 2days...which is considered OK...hmm...being attacked by mosquitoes right now...

Alright well I'm a Maple Story gamer the game is's in 2D...the characters are cute and all...and I've made a couple of friends there...majority from singapore...not all of them are kia su...well not my friends...and recently met a few from malaysia...And I was actually joking around about wanting to get a maple hubby...Well I guess for those that don't play maple and actually read my blog..which I quite doubt that anyone does even read my it goes;

You can actually get married in Maple...At first when they had the wedding thing it was just like getting married you have some wedding effects when your near each other but that's pretty much all...and here's the thing...your using REAL money to get married hahax...well previously I was married, to a pretty sweet guy...we went through a lot of ups and downs and things got pretty complicated...and now he kind of happens a lot to me..makes me feel pretty annoyed and pathetic at times...but anyway! I'm getting out of topic haha...So well after they changed the wedding system into a much better one all couples that were once married were all auto divorced...kind of suck actually haha...Well now they have a town where all wedding ceremonies are held AND they have PQ = party quest for married score more points if your party consist of all couples...

Ok, about the whole party thing...every game player can create a party which maximum is 6 people including to go for a party quest your party has to consist of that amount of people..and I was joking around about wanting to go for it and all and last thursday while training I met a hermit in my party, and he ask me to be his dear...instead of accepting him straight away I called a few of my friends available in my buddy list to interview the end I accepted him, cause he seemed pretty decent...even saw his picture lolx...anyway the wedding will be healed this friday guess I'm going to put the screen shots in my blog.

Listening to Paramore - Emergency