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.:[[-✖-WEEKLY INTREST-✖-]]:.

Playing with Renesmee (Nessie) and Jacob Black


Thursday, June 12, 2008

Oh No...

Whether we like to admit or not girls, females, woman we're all the same! We like being praised for our looks and ideas...And seriously it doesn't matter how "tough", "emo" or robotic some girls tend to be deep inside their soft; like mush mellow soft...And if we're not careful, we might just fall for someone. But here's the thing that separates females from male, you see males well most of them when they tend to fall for a girl easily and fall out of them as well; they move on real fast. But for us females it's a little different, we don't forget so easily..we always find good things about the male to hold on to, we don't give up on them that easily; which unfortunately isn't always a good thing. And the thing that really sucks for me right now is I think my crush on someone might just grow into more than a crush..and the person I thought I REALLY like...might just vanish without me realizing it.