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.:[[-✖-WEEKLY INTREST-✖-]]:.

Playing with Renesmee (Nessie) and Jacob Black


Friday, June 13, 2008

Secret Stash Of Chocolate

I think that every girl needs it...or ice cream as long as it's chocolate flavor or chocolate chip we should always have some of it hidden; cause you never know when you might really need it. Guys might not understand why cause I guess it's all on how they deal with their heart...Well different people have different ways of dealing with certain emotions...and eating chocolate for me is more or less the safest way to make me feel better when I'm depress...well it's better than getting drunk till you puke your guts out, or blasting music and slicing yourself right? Violent..I know but it works for some people. Chocolate helps most girl deal with certain heart's not a's like a drug, the taste of it helps you forget what your feeling for a moment..

And something comes up to make type this-

I should be happy that I have friends that have found that special someone in their lives and their really happy now right? Well I am..just- guess a part of me is sad for myself...There I go again...bullshitting as usual.

I had a TINY vanilla flavor muffin..and an apple; for breakfast.